Bibliophile extraordinaire Jay Bonner deserves more book dedications than Taylor Swift has Grammys. His encouragement of my writing, music, and teaching has been a constant since we first became friends and collaborators back in the new wave era. His finding a place to pursue his literary passions via educating next generations of writers–Asheville School–led to many pathways for my own interests, and to my discovery of the world of labyrinths.
—Jim Gardner, 9/1/24
Because of editing headaches, these acknowledgments did not make it into the print version of the book. Here’s hoping online thanks might suffice.
The Asheville School labyrinth, part of the Universe Story outdoor learning site, provided my introduction to the classical seven-circuit design and to the labyrinth multiverse. Marnie Muller’s conversations and generous sharing of resources about the AS labyrinth were especially helpful. Thanks to the Asheville School Humanities department (especially John Gregory) for supporting my research and encouraging my pedagogical experiments using the labyrinth.
Thanks to my students, for walking—and running—the labyrinth classroom, especially the American Studies class of 2014-2015 and the Ancient Studies class of 2011-2012.
Thanks to Anya Moul and Irina Moul for the beach labyrinth. To Lars Howlett for the interview. To Austn Haynes and Jeff Saward for the permissions. To Henryk Hoffmann for advice and feedback. To LD Russell for the words and positive vibes.
To these fellow pathwalkers for writerly encouragement, resources, tips and/or all-purpose inspiration: Varghese Alexander, Casey Arbor, Christopher Arbor, Marilyn Ball, Brooker Battle, Jessica Bayer, Alva Bennett, Hannah Bonner, Seth Buddy, Betty Dingus, Mike Dingus, Keith Flynn, Peggy Gardner, Ivy Givens, Bob Haddad, Jim Harmon, Eddie Henderson (Amen Ra), Mike Hill, Aletta Imadottir, John Iwaniszek, Erin Jenkins, Jake Klodt, Leslie Klodt, Rich Lee, Michael Lipton, Jonathan Lloyd, Ed Maggart, Steve Mann, Windsor Mann, Alan Marcha, Jeff Mettee, David Moltke-Hansen, Arch Montgomery, Rick Moul, Robyn Newcomb, Hope Nicholls, Mongezi Ntaka, Flori Pate, Gracie Pearsall, Billy Peebles, David Penley, Katie Peters, Ross Peters, James Pharr, Aaron Pitkin, Helen Plaehn, Tim Plaehn, Laura Poland, Patricia Poteat, Aaron Price, Tyler Ramsey, Betsy Reiser, Dan Reiser, Paula Rem, Joe Sasfy, Kaleah Smith, Wesley Smith, Claire Sordoni, Joanna Stankiewicz, Izzy Swiftie, Wei Tchou, Yi Ting, Diana Tockes, Bill Van Cleve, Joe Vanderford, Kate Weare, Bob Williams, and Allison Yelton.
Remembering a couple of friends who have gone on ahead, on the eternal path: Joanne Crotts and Jesse Lauricella.
To my family, friends and teachers.
To Ascher Klodt and Maverick Klodt for being future maze runners and Minotaur slayers.
Special thanks to Nancy Alenier for not calling the authorities when I walked around in circles for years.
And to you, ____________ ____________, whose name should be here also, many thanks.
The great LD Russell surprised me with a review, an excerpt of which became the blurb-of-all-blurbs that appears on the back cover of the print edition. I’m grateful to know this cosmic fellow journeyman philosopher, educator, and keeper of the all-things-cool-and-vital flame.